Jun 21Liked by Patrick

I’ve never been enamoured by the glamorisation of war in pop culture. I’m currently reading “World War 2 in simple French”. As an Indian, both world wars evoke very mixed feelings because we were fighting for the UK’s freedom and not our own. I wonder what soldiers from the British Indian Army felt. Did they feel the same emotions as Europeans enlisting en masse or were they fighting merely for a promise of independence and a secure pay? I also believe that’s why there’s such a chasm between the west and the rest on the Russia Ukraine war. Emerging economies don’t want to take sides in wars where they are not decision makers now.

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The Gift of India by Sarojini Naidu

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Just read it! Magnificent. Should be mandatory reading for every Brit IMO.

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To add to the conversation and contrast, see To His Dead Body by Siegfried Sassoon. Not a comment on better or worse, yet another approach to sharing with the reader war.

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The dear boy was famously bisexual, but couldn't reconcile it.

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